Archive for August, 2009

Daisy is Up and Running!!

Daisy Mae has had a GREAT couple of days!  She was still hobbling a little bit the past couple weeks, even though she is slowly getting better, but yesterday and today I gave her some aspirin and we’ve had GREAT results.  I gave her some yesterday, waited about an hour before really starting to work (so lots of time for grooming, tacking, and warm-up), and when we started trotting, she had that incredible bounce in her step again.  Diane almost immediately said that I needed to get some more aspirin for her (I borrowed some of theirs to see if it would work).  She said that Daisy was tracking up really well and looked good.  I trotted for a while, then cantered-she took 2 trys to get her lead, but once she had it, it felt a lot better-there wasn’t any hopping in the back end.  She was pushing her bad foot forward again into the canter and it was a lot more comfortable to ride. 

I did the same thing today-gave some aspirin, waited a bit, tacked up and rode.  We trotted for a while, then I asked for a canter.  She ran into it a little bit, but only like 5 strides maybe, then took her lead the first time.  It was nice feeling, too!  No choppiness and speediness.  Very nice!  Hopefully we’ll be able to build up the muscle in those legs so it can help support the joints some more while the Adequan is continuing to work on her too.  She may be back to normal sometime within the next couple months.  This was the first time I’ve been really optimistic about her in a while-I actually feel like we might stand a chance in a competition again!  Even though we got one qualifier this year, I still didn’t feel like we did as well as we could have.  Once she’s back on track , we might be able to compete again.

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Another Mast Cell Tumor in Jake?

I’ve seen a few people look up mast cell cancers in dogs as the search criteria that have come to my site.  Please click “Jake” on the right hand side to see all of the info of mast cells that I have in this blog.  Of course, feel free to read any of the other stuff in here too, though!  Just making it easier.

Jake has another bump that’s been on the lower part of his back leg for quite a while now.  I don’t know if it’s getting any bigger, but looking at it today, I’m starting to wonder.  I think he’s irritating the area by licking-he seems to have a hot spot in that general area-so it may not be anything.  I’m going to wait a few more days and see if anything changes, then maybe bring him to the vet.  Here’s the interesting news, though:  A friend at the stable has a horse that has a skin cancer and she recommended that I try something called A’dobe Angel.  It’s a supplement that has actually shrunk the tumors in her horse and has caused a lot of cancers in animals to go into remission.  I’m very interested in it and I’m trying to find more information on it.  I ordered a small bag of it and we’ll see what it’s all about when it comes in.  Just a thought, though, for those of you looking up mast cells and different kinds of cancers in dogs.  It can’t hurt to look at all the options!  I’m not a big advocate of herbal medicines mostly because they aren’t studied as much as the prescription drugs and a lot of them are hype.  I’m very skeptical about this too, but again, it’s getting very hard to afford surgeries on Jake every 6 months and he’s not a young guy anymore.  At what point do you say ok-that’s enough sugery?  I just don’t know.  He seems happy enough for now, and he has had a lot less swelling since switching him back to the grain free diet, so this may be all we need to do for now.  More when I find out more!!!

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Last Sunday’s Dinner at Mom’s

We had a nice dinner over at Mom’s house on Sunday-Kurt and Vanessa brought Kellen over, My Uncle Dick and his wife, Carol, came, Pop came over, then of course there was me, Tim, Mom, and Bill.  Everyone took turns holding Kellen (except me!!!) and I got a couple of pictures.  Hopefully I’ll get to hold him on Saturday or Sunday when I see Kurt and Vanessa 🙂 

Bill holding the baby :)

Bill holding the baby 🙂


Kurt with women's socks on (notice the pink writing on the underside) (Yes, Kurt, I posted this on the internet so everyone knows you wear women's clothing....)

Kurt with women's socks on (notice the pink writing on the underside) (Yes, Kurt, I posted this on the internet so everyone knows you wear women's clothing....)


Pop holding Kellen

Pop holding Kellen

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Lesson in Sewing

Lesson 1:  I suck at sewing. 

I took out the new sewing machine and plugged it in to give it a try for the first time.  Of course I didn’t read too much into the directions 🙂  I threaded all 4 needles that were set up to see what it does exactly.  I THOUGHT I threaded them right, but I’m not really sure anymore.  I started by running a paper towel through the thing because I couldn’t find any scrap fabric and I really just wanted to see what it did.  It put a bunch of holes in the paper towel, sliced off the edges, and the thread went out the other side.  OK-that’s not right. 

I watched a brief video on how to tie a stock tie because I wanted to see how long to make the fabric.  I figured that once I cut what I had, I would have some scrap of REAL fabric and maybe I would be able to try that in the sewing machine with more grace.  Nope.  I cut the fabric to the length I wanted, took the scrap, and ran it through the machine.  Same thing-the thread went one way, the fabric another, and a slice of cut fabric came out the side.  Huh.  Not what I thought would happen.  I re-read the manual and I can’t actually find anything about just “sewing” a straight line or anything.  It’s all about edging and how it wraps the thread around the side.  That’s nice and all, but first, I wanted one that would sew a straight line without cutting the material you’re sewing, and second, if the thread actually went ON the fabric, that would be nice too. 

So I grabbed a beer and called it a night.  For now I’ll be doing my sewing by hand.  I think I’ll try again tonight-I’m thinking that maybe I threaded the needles wrong since there’s 4 of them!  Maybe I need to switch needles on the bottom so it grabs the thread from the top and pulls it back?  That might keep it on the fabric.  Anyway, bottom line is I don’t know.  I’ll try again tonight and hope for the best. 

Oh-and if you’re trying to thread needles. don’t have the sewing machine plugged in with the pedal on the floor and dogs walking around.  I probably could have had a pierced finger pretty easy 🙂  That was one of those things that dawned on me as I was pricking myself with the surgically-sharp needle that was stationary.  If Jake had stepped on the pedal and that thing went through my finger, I’m sure there would have been a lot more words being used than were already.

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Another Lesson Learned in Mast Cell Tumors

I’m posting this in case someone looks up mast cell cancer treatments in dogs or something like that in a search engine and happens upon my blog-

I was feeding Jake a no-grain dog food for a long time, but he continued to get mast cell tumors popping up here and there anyway over the course of a year, so I decided recently to swtich him to Pedigree.  Bandit loves Pedigree-he gobbles it up like he wouldn’t before with the no grain diet of Taste of the Wild, so it’s been good for him and hopefully it’ll help him put on some weight.  I noticed a change in Jake, though.  The tumor that was removed on Jake’s back leg still has some residual mast cells in it because it keeps swelling up now and then.  It would be impossible to remove all the cells in an area like that, so we expected that there would be swelling even though on a subsequent needle biopsy it appears that all the cells were removed.  While he was on Taste of the Wild (the grain free diet), the swelling would happen occassionally, but not too bad and only once in a while.  When I switched him to Pedigree (the food that includes rice and such as fillers), his leg swelled up really bad!  I kept him on it for 2 days-there was constant swelling in his leg.  I went out and bought some more Taste of the Wild, and started him back on that while keeping Bandit on Pedigree.  Jake’s swelling has gone down almost completely. 

I’ve heard in different places that mast cell tumors could possibly be caused by food allergies in dogs and that grains are a big source of those allergies.  I didn’t entirely believe it until now!  There has been a huge change in Jake’s comfort level and symptoms just by switching to a grain free diet.  I figure now that any other swelling in his leg while he was on Taste of the Wild before could have been caused by foods he was getting as table scraps (or foods he was stealing…..) and now I’m very careful about what I feed him off the table.  We’ll see if that helps even more.  I’m hoping so!  I’ll probably be switching Bandit back over to Taste of the Wild, too-he doesn’t like it quite as much, but he eats it, and if it’s better for him, then it’s worth the extra cost. 

For anyone looking up diet for mast cell tumors or other cancers in dogs, I know there are several grain free diets available now.  Taste of the Wild is only one of them, but it’s the cheapest one I’ve sound so far.  Evo is another very popular one, and I know there were a few others available at the feed store I go to.  You probably need to go to a pet store to find grain free foods, but if you have a local feed store that sells dog foods, you’ll probably find it cheaper. 

I hope this helps Jakeman!  He’s been happier already since I switched him back to this food, so I think it probably has been a change for the better.

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Another Day Off For Daisy

The mare had a relaxing day yesterday-I took her out, brushed her up, then let her walk around in the pasture for a while.  I took some pictures of her out there and we just hung out.  Very nice.  We came back in and I clipped her legs and her bridle path-she was extraordinarily good for that.  She stood there perfectly still while I had her on a lead line and I clipped all four legs without her moving a muscle.  She must have been in a good mood after just hanging out. 

The day before yesterday we worked pretty hard at a trot and walk.  Still no canter yet, but I’m half planning on attempting tonight just to see how she goes.  We worked a bit at a sitting trot because I have trouble keeping my hands quiet when I sit.  After a few pointers from Diane, I think we improved quite a bit.  I’ll have to keep working on that if we’re going to be at first level next year.  I’d still like to try to get there next year if she’s going better by then. 

Anyway, here’s a few of the pictures I got with my new phone yesterday-we’ll see how they come out….

Daisy Mae

Daisy Mae


I tried to grab her head so I could get a picture of both of us, but she decided to scratch her head on my shirt instead.  When I snapped, this was what I got :)

I tried to grab her head so I could get a picture of both of us, but she decided to scratch her head on my shirt instead. When I snapped, this was what I got 🙂

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Bandit at His Finest….

Just thought this was cute.

Bandit and Jake playing this morning

Bandit and Jake playing this morning

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New Pictures From Dad and Teri’s Last Visit!

Teri got me the pictures from their last visit, so I thought I’d share some-Enjoy!

Dad and Sarah holding Kellen

Dad and Sarah holding Kellen


Kellen's first game of Uno

Kellen's first game of Uno

Vanessa holding Kellen

Vanessa holding Kellen

They got to go see the new observation windows at the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower)

They got to go see the new observation windows at the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower)

Sarah got to Ride Kody again

Sarah got to Ride Kody again

Daisy did a photo-op for them and rolled (right after a bath)  Look at how happy she looks!!

Daisy did a photo-op for them and rolled (right after a bath) Look at how happy she looks!!

Then she just laid down for a minute to relax :)

Then she just laid down for a minute to relax 🙂

Bandit remembered Teri and Sarah and was happy to play with them!!

Bandit remembered Teri and Sarah and was happy to play with them!!

Jakey was obnoxious as ever

Jakey was obnoxious as ever

But he's so cute-how can you get mad at that face??

But he's so cute-how can you get mad at that face??

During a heated game of Uno the last night they were here, Scott and I went into fits of laughter-not sure why....

During a heated game of Uno the last night they were here, Scott and I went into fits of laughter-not sure why....

Whatever it was, I couldn't stop either!

Whatever it was, I couldn't stop either!

I actually had tears streaming down my face because I was laughing so hard!!

I actually had tears streaming down my face because I was laughing so hard!!

And here's one of the best pictures of Kellen yet!  I love the hands cradling him :)

And here's one of the best pictures of Kellen yet! I love the hands cradling him 🙂

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Fun Day with Daisy and Garage Sales

I haven’t done garage sales in a while, so I thought I’d go check some out-it was a lot of fun!  I actually got quite a few things.  A few Look Magazines featuring the JFK assasination in 67 and 68, a set of plates with Gone with the Wind pictures on them, and a few other little things-I’m selling those on eBay now (hopefully).  I also got a really nice sewing machine-Becky and I are thinking about making our own saddle pads for ourselves and to sell possibly.  We’ll see how that goes.  I’m going to make my own stock tie, too-that should be really easy.  This thing is supposed to be a good one that does embroidery, too.  I got it for a steal 🙂 

I went out to take care of Daisy after that-she was off at first and I was getting nervous again that she may never be right, but we stopped and relaxed for a while, talking to one of the guys there, and I went to trot her just a little more-Doctor’s orders to keep her moving.  She picked up the most forward, beautiful, powerful trot she’s had in a long time-she dropped right into frame and felt GREAT!  It was so nice.  Maybe she just needed a rest!  I was really happy with that so we trotted around each direction for one time around each and called it good.  I then switched horses with another rider-I got to ride Sunny-he’s a really nice Thoroughbred gelding that has incredible movements.  He was very easy to ride, but I think he was having trouble carrying me because he’s just coming off an injury and still has to build up muscle.  I trotted him just a little then walked for a while with him.  He takes more leg than Daisy!  And his trot feels horrible-but it looks soooo nice.  It was fun to get on another horse because it’s been a long time since I’ve ridden anything but Daisy.  Once he’s in better shape, maybe I’ll be able to try his canter too.  I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, though.

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Pics from Teri and Sarah’s Visit a Few Weeks Back

First a quick update-Daisy was an angel again tonight-she held her head perfectly for me, but she was a little stiff on her back legs so we didn’t push the issuetoo much.  I’m just very pleased that she tries so hard for me sometimes 🙂  Lucky and Diane had a mishap, though-we were all riding outside and Diane and Lucky were way in the back of the arena when Lucky stepped off to the side a bit unexpectedly-Diane’s foot got stuck in the fence and was twisted to the side.  That spurred Lucky hard and he started bucking.  She stayed on, but her ankle was pretty swollen after that.  We’ll see how she’s doing tomorrow. 

Anyway, back to the pictures….

This was taken about 2 minutes before Jake destroyed that stuffed puppy.  Yes, it says "Puppy Love" on the heart-too cute :)

This was taken about 2 minutes before Jake destroyed that stuffed puppy. Yes, it says "Puppy Love" on the heart-too cute 🙂


This is Bandit's favorite spot to sleep-isn't this a cool picture?  I can't decide if he looks more like a cat wanna be or a wolf wanna be....

This is Bandit's favorite spot to sleep-isn't this a cool picture? I can't decide if he looks more like a cat wanna be or a wolf wanna be....


I took Teri and Sarah to see how my farrier, John, does a horse's feet.  They liked watching and seemed pretty fascinated by it :)

I took Teri and Sarah to see how my farrier, John, does a horse's feet. They liked watching and seemed pretty fascinated by it 🙂


Tabasco was in heaven having someone to play with!

Tabasco was in heaven having someone to play with!


Kurt and Vanessa at the baby shower

Kurt and Vanessa at the baby shower


A family pic from the shower-Teri,Mom, Me, Kurt, Sarah, and Vanessa (clockwise from the right)

A family pic from the shower-Teri,Mom, Me, Kurt, Sarah, and Vanessa (clockwise from the right)

Daisy getting her hair done

Daisy getting her hair done


Jakey Kisses

Jakey Kisses

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