Archive for September 2, 2009

Too Soon To Tell For Sure, But Jake is Doing Good!!

I got that A’Dobe Angel in the mail today and gave some to Jake today,  I took his food, 2 level tablespoons of the A’Dobe Angel, and mixed it with water.  I don’t know for sure if it’s the stuff or if Jake is just having a really good day, but he PLAYED AND PLAYED with Bandit!  It was great!  I haven’t seen him this active in a long time!  He and Bandit wrestled over a toy and played tug-o-war.  The whole time, Jake would win (of course), then he’d look up at me like “did you see Mommy?  I won again!!”  It was really cute.  He’s been bouncing off the walls since.  Not in a bad way-just more energy.  He keeps playing and running around like he used to, just having a good old time. 

It’s a powder that consists of something mainly green-I think it’s some kind of algae or grass or something.  When I mix it with water, it gets really green colored and smells like grass.  I mix it with his food, like I said, and he gobbles it up like there’s no problem.  He even licked the bowl clean!  Again, I don’t know if it’s the stuff or what (I really think it might be, but I’m always the skeptical sort so give me some time to say for sure), but he feels much better already.  LOL-maybe it’s like doggie pot.  🙂  Hopefully it helps the cancer too.  The web site and the person I talked to about it said that it would shrink the tumors  and make him play like a puppy again.  I have one of two so far! 

More to come in the next few days….

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What a Difference a Few Days Can Make

Daisy was great today again-we walked, trotted, held our frame for a long time, AND cantered both directions, practicing our transitions in all ways  a few times at least.  She got her leads all correct and she was fairly balanced.  She still leans quite a bit, but I know I lean too, so as I improve, she will too. 

We rode today with Traveler’s owner, so Daisy was soooo happy in there.  She was thrilled to be in there with her boyfriend 🙂  She had her ears perked the whole time.  She was probably trying to show off for him, too, so that might be why she was so good.

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Birthday weekend :)

Everyone wanted to take me out for my birthday weekend-that was pretty cool 🙂  I never thought much about birthdays, but this one was pretty fun.  You saw the pictures from Mom’s house, then I went out on Friday with Becky to a martini bar in Antioch, and Kathie and Mike took me out to a bar for some drinks and dinner the following night.  Kurt and Vanessa were going to this weekend, but something came up so we’re going out next weekend instead.  That worked out pretty well so I don’t go out 3 nights in a row!  So Saturday I have my lesson with Courtney, then Saturday night Kurt, Vanessa, and I go out to my new favorite restaurant, Risottos.  I can’t wait to see Kellen again, too 🙂 

Daisy’s been doing pretty good with her aspirin.  I saw a huge improvement over the past few days.  Monday I lunged her even without her aspirin and she was going so much better!  Her trot started a bit stiff, but she worked out of it quickly and cantered both ways.  She even picked up the wrong lead going the OTHER way-so she had her sore leg leading going on a counter canter.  That’s pretty impressive because she chose what to do on the lunge line.  There’s no real aids other than my voice telling her what to do.  Oh, and of course a whip 😉  This one is a real pain if you don’t have a whip.  Once you’re holding it, though, she gets the picture-although I did have to crack it a couple times in the beginning with no response so I actually swatted her butt with it too.   That woke her up.  Just to touch her is enough for her to realize you mean business usually. 

She’s been her same possessive self, otherwise.  I’m not allowed to talk to other horses-I get yelled at.  God forbid I should LEAD another horse somewhere.  She gets very vocal then-telling me every 2 minutes that I have the wrong horse.  (Mommys are so easily confused sometimes-sheesh.)  We’re pretty convinced that she thinks all people are just really stupid.  You know-going in circles all the time, trying to go sideways when you could easily turn your body and walk that way, trotting when we could easily walk there-she thinks she’s pretty smart 🙂 

Jake and Bandit are doing good too.  Jake is doing alright, but he tires out quickly-pretty normal for him right now.  Bandit is the opposite.  He’s constantly got to be doing something.  He’s always watching out the window to make sure no one comes near our yard then he barks ferociously when someone does.  He’s a good guard dog.  You know when they do something really really cute and you just really wish you had a video camera handy?  Bandit found a moth last night that must have slipped in when I let him in.  It was on the floor and fluttering enough where it could fly if it tried, but Bandit kept it down.  He was pouncing on it like a cat-up and down and spinning and looking every which way for it.  Very cute.  After 5 minutes, the thing miraculously made it up to the light on the ceiling and the game was over.  Bandit stared at it for a few minutes, but then gave up. 

We’ll see if anythign more exciting happens the next couple days 🙂  I’m practicing hard so I don’t look like an idiot in front of Courtney.  Daisy can make me look like a dork when she wants to.  Last night I had a lesson with Diane-I had nothing but trouble with the mare.  She was distracted, locked her jaw, fighting me, trying to run me into the wall again, etc.  As soon as Diane left, she was soft as could be-she collected herself and jest went along like it was her favorite thing in the world.  We’ll see what happens.

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