Archive for September 4, 2009

Jake’s Swelling

Jake’s leg is still swollen tonight.  I stopped the A’Dobe Angel to see if the swelling decreases.  I think it might be the millet in the mixture that is causing a reaction and making the area around the mast cells swell up.  We’ll see if it goes back down.  In the past, when I’ve switched foods or not given him things with grains in it, the swelling is usually reduced within 24 hours or so.  I’ll update when I get a chance as to whether the swelling is going down or not.

Tomorrow is Daisy’s lesson with Courtney.  I’m a little nervous, but not really.  I’ve been to this stable several times and Daisy is very good there usually.  I think she’s only spooked a couple times there.  Today she spooked more than I’ve seen in a while-we were riding in a circle at a walk and I was concentrating very hard to try to make the circle as perfect as I could.  As we were coming off the wall at one point, a letter that had been duct taped to the wall fell off right in front of her.  She bounced off to the side, all freaked out-I caught her right away, though, and stayed on with no problem.  It was sort of refreshing because my body moved well with hers.  Anyway, long story short, my back is a little sore now from the quick twist.  I’m hoping that it’s ok for tomorrow because I think we’re going to be working pretty hard!

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Still Swollen

Jake’s leg still has quite a bit of swelling in it, but it seems to have gone down some-yes, looking at it now, it’s DEFINITELY gone down some.  Almost back to normal, but not quite.  It looks like it’s a little painful, but not too bad so I gave him some aspirin again this morning.  I was told that I could give him a pill and a half of regular strength aspirin when he seemed in pain at all.  He hasn’t really needed it recently, but this is something that seems to come and go. 

I’m still giving A’Dobe Angel a try-he’s still getting it 3 times a day and he does still seem a bit perkier, although that first burst of energy was more than I’ve seen since.  He’s still always wagging his tail and staring at me 🙂  I don’t think he’s losing weight to speak of, either.  Maybe a little since he’s almost completely off table scraps now (except for a piece of meat or cheese once in a great while), but nothing major. 

Bandit is still a nut case.  He seems happier that Jake wants to go outside more often now.  It’s still not a huge difference, but they do get to go out a play for a little bit here and there.  We’ll give it another several days to see if there’s more improvement and a reduction in the swelling. 

I’ve also been doing some research again to see if there’s anyone in the area that knows a lot about mast cell tumors.  I might end up bringing Jake down to a place about an hour from here for an opinion to see if there’s anything to do really.  I have a feeling that wherever I go, they’re either going to be very aggressive and want chemo or tell me to just let it go however it goes.  There is a fairly new drug on the market caled Palladin or something like that.  I added “Rosie’s Road” to my blogroll on the menu at the side-that’s the story of another lab that is going through the same thing as Jake, but is getting this new drug.  She and I have been talking briefly and it’s nice to get another view of this cancer from someone else going through it.  She has a really nice blog, so go check it out if you’re interested! 

On a different note-Daisy got a bath yesterday.  It was a little on the cool side, but at least it was warmer than it has been.  She needed one bad before I bring her for her lesson on Saturday.  Nothing like bringing a filthy horse to another barn for a lesson and having everyone look at you like-what’s THAT supposed to be??  She’s already a big hairball-I may as well make her a CLEAN big hairball.  I’m going to have to ride her tonight.  She seems to have a bit of a worse time when she’s had the previous day off-maybe a little stiffer-so I expect her to be a bit stiff tonight, but by tomorrow we should be back on.  I wish she was more consistant with her canter departures.  That’s the thing that’s really going to make us look funny on Saturday, I think-of course she can make a LOT of things look pretty funny, so I guess we’ll see what kind of mood she’s in 🙂

And one MORE thing about Jake-Right now the boys are chewing on bones I gave them last night.  Jake seems to think he should have BOTH bones.  I keep yelling at him everytime he approaches Bandit to steal the other bone away, but he just keeps trying.  What a brat.  He finally gave up and laid down, dropped the bone he had and started pouting.  Ugh.  So I had to go give him the bone he dropped and pet him and tell him he’s good and he can have ONE bone-Yes, he’s pouting now.  Poor Jake-only one measly bone….

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