Archive for September 12, 2009

Clean Animals All Around

I went out and rode Daisy this morning-she was MUCH better than the past few days.  I’m pretty sure she’s been in season and that’s why she’s been acting so crazy.  We rode for an hour or so then I hosed her off.  She’s cleaner than she was, but she still needs a scrubbing-that’ll be tomorrow. 

So I’ve been putting it off, but i figured I’d better wash the boys, too.  Bandit was first.  I wrestled him into the shower, hoisted his little skinny butt over the tub wall, and started spraying him down.  He stood there and took it-not very well, but he took it.  He only tried to escape once.  Then came Jake.  First, I tried to wrestle is fat butt over the side of the tub-not working.  I tried to get him in there of his own free will-forget about it.  After a few minutes of him screaming like I was trying to kill him, I was afraid the neighbors might call PETA or something and I figured I’d better go get treats.  That took care of the problem!  Once i told him that he was getting no treat until he went in there, he reluctantly gave in and went in.  I washed off the initial layer of scum, shampooed the heck out of him, then rinsed.  He was defiant the whole time, but thank God for treats.  That was the only way he was going to stay in the tub.  He did try to escape several times, but overall, it was a successful wash.  It’s easier to wash DAISY than it is to wash him.  The funniest part about this is that the whole time Bandit was getting his bath, Jake was laying down next to me laughing at him-just pounding his tail on the ground like “see Mommy LOVES me!  I don’t have to be cleaned unlike YOU.”  Once it was his turn, it was all crying and whining-even a little screaming. 

So needless to say, I’m exhausted today.  I want to go take a nap, but I know if I do that I’ll just feel crappy when I wake up.  Jake keeps trying to get feed him first dinner early, so I think I’m going to give in and do it.  Jake wins again…..



PS-even though he’s dry now, I’m still getting lots of little kisses from Bandit.  He feels really sorry for himself LOL!!  Poor clean puppy.

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